A Box of Hammers
I do care about K., and I will be really really happy for her when her baby is born. But I will also be really really miserable for me. And those emotions are too complex to try and express at work, so I wish I could just avoid the whole subject here. Unfortunately, I don't run the world ('cause, duh, if I did, we'd all have babies!) and I can't seem to avoid these horrid interactions. These people are my coworkers and I don't want to be branded around the school as the misanthropic psychopath I sometimes feel like. So I nod and try not to grimace, and escape the conversations as quickly as possible. However, here are some things I'd rather say:
- Oh really? I haven't had my baby yet either.
- Excuse me, I have real work to do.
- Hello?!? Do you have a single living brain cell? Do you know that you are plunging a knife in my gut at this moment?
- You mean all pregnancies don't end in miscarriage?
- Is K. having a baby? I didn't know.
- Get out of my face.
- If you're willing to pay for my therapist, we can continue this conversation.
And now that I've vented, it's time to go back to work. Oh joy.
Oh geez. People just never shut up. Sorry you have to endure this some time longer...
My take is, what you say or don't say in reply depends on what you want the future relationships with the said friends and coworkers to be like.
I would say something back though..
sweetisu, at 12:56 AM
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