What carseat or seats would you recommend to your child's grandparent who wanted to have a seat in her car? The reality is, Natalie will only ride with them exceedingly rarely, so the seat will get minimal use. That makes me uncomfortable about suggesting a Britax, Recaro, or Radian, even though they would otherwise be my top suggestions. I really don't know what to do except perhaps give them several suggestions in a range of prices. If I am going to do that, though, I'm not sure which seats to reco for the mid- and low-end. I would have said the Cosco Scenera, but there seem to be two of them out there (one with a shield and one without - but they have the same name!), and that confuses me, let alone them! Also, has anyone tried a Fisher Price Safe Voyage? Is it worth the extra money over a super-low price seat or is it a case of in for a penny, in for a Britax? Your input is greatly welcomed!
PS - If I thought I could talk them into letting us "store" the seat for them, it would be great, as we'd have an extra seat for playdates, etc. But I don't think they'll go for it....
I know some folks with the FPSV and they like it. It's less cushy than the Britax...but it's basically the same seat, as I understand it.
What about an Evenflo? Reasonably priced and good reviews.
ArdensMommy, at 11:31 PM
We found a great deal on a Cosco Scenera ($30) on Amazon a few weeks back. Googling today turns up a few available around $40.
If you search Estelle's blog, you can find her *very postitive* comments on the Scenera, which is what tipped us into buying.
Anonymous, at 8:46 AM
Hmmm... if we are going cheaper, I'd go with the FPSV. Just from what I've read. def stay away from the Graco- I hate it and we only use it for travel.
Have you thought about springing for the Marathon or other seat that you would use on a regular basis, so that you could have it for hypothetical baby 2 later on down the road? I know we're talking hundreds of dollars more, though, so maybe that's not smart. What I was thinking is that Natalie prob wont outgrow her current seat by the time baby 2 outgrows an infant seat, so you'll need to get a new one anyway. Grandparent could use it now, and then when you need it, you could evaluate how much it was used and determine what you want to do for replacing the seats in grandparent's car... i dont know if that would work with said grandparent, but that's what I might do...
Gus and Clay's Mama, at 9:28 AM
Liza, have you used the Scenera yet? What do you think of it?
Jen, at 9:40 AM
I got a Scenera based on Liza's recommendation, but haven't tried it yet in the car. On test-runs inside, Ali screams all-holy-hell when I try to pull the shield down over her head. I'd say try to find the one with the 5-point harness.
Unknown, at 10:08 AM
From what I've read, shields are not safe. I have not been able to find a 5-pt. Scenera, so I don't want to suggest that the grandparents buy one because I'm afraid they'll get the wrong kind. That's part of my hesitation about the Scenera.
Jen, at 10:20 AM
Get the 5 pt Scenera. It should be easy to find. I'm not sure that Target even carries the other one. Maybe buy it yourself so you are sure you are getting the right one.
It isn't a bad seat. It's not anywhere as nice as a Britax. And it's a much bigger pain to install.
Why aren't you using the Roundabout? If she's outgrown the Roundabout by height, you'll want to get something taller than the Scenera, since it is about the size size as the Roundabout. There is the Safety 1st Uptown, but I think it's only at Walmart, and since it's $100, I'd get the FPSVD for an extra $29.
Brooke, at 10:21 AM
We have the Cosco Alpha Omega Elite (I have no idea what's elite about it) and while it is a bear to install, it was inexpensive and Consumer Reports rated it higher than the Marathon. It sucked rear-facing (we just couldn't get it in tight enough to feel like it was safe), but once we flipped it around it's been awesome.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
I have no current knowledge, but I would go look for a $50-100 seat with good reviews from Consumer Reports.
One thing to consider: most non-Britax seats 3 years ago had shoulder straps that went only 14 inches above seat level. That meant that our taller 3yos outgrew their seats by height before they were heavy enough OR old enough for boosters. We ended up in Britax Huskies (they have some new name now). Grandparents are likely to do more shuttling when babies are much older, so if you think you might have a taller child on your hands, think carefully about how you'll want her riding when she's 3 and 4 years old.
Jody, at 1:04 PM
We just bought the FPSV for our part-time sitter to use with our 17 month old... We have the Britax Blvd for our usual seat, but we just couldn't spend that much for an extra seat... FYI, Britax just announced at the beginning of Aug that it has discontinued making the FPSV line of seats and boosters, so if you want one, best get it soon.
Erin, at 4:24 PM
We got the Evenflo Triumph a couple years ago and we like it. Not sure if it's still around?
Mo, at 9:48 PM
We have the evenflo triumph 5 for both of our cars, it's 5-40 lbs and we love it. I know natalie is growing fast, but I think it'll take a while to get to 40 lbs. They had great ratings.
Mama Cow, at 12:27 AM
I was going to say the Evenflo triumph - but I don't know the height limit.
party b, at 12:58 AM
Ditto on Evenflo triumph (x2!). Good luck.
lagiulia, at 7:23 PM
We've been huge fans of the Cosco Alpha Omega. We took both kids home from the hospital in one and still use it from time to time as a seat with Julian. We just turned Evelyn around in June and have had no issues with it.
Anonymous, at 6:05 AM
You should visit www.car-seat.org and ask your question there. Lots of Certified Seat Techs hang out there and you don't need to register to ask a question.
DO NOT buy a Scenera with a Shield these are NOT safe. Only go with a 5-pt harness.
Cosco Scenera is a great choice. Have one and like it. The shell and harness slot heights are taller than the Britax Roundabout and the Scenera fits newborns well. It installs well in most cars, and bonus, makes a very lightweight seat for airplane travel.
The Uptown is a good choice but twice as expensive. If you're going to spend close to $100 just go for the FPSVDelux (Delux is key here).
Another great option is the Evenflo Triumph ADVANCE model ($140-ish). Don't bother considering any of the others.
The Alpha Omega and its siblings are all just going through a major recall so avoid those. Avoid all 3-in-1 seats if you can. They are more hype than Safety.
Anonymous, at 12:24 AM
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