Giving the Child Reasons to Hate Us...
Last night I was a little harder to please. I started poking at Jen's belly.
"Hey, kid! Wake up and play with me! C'mon!"
THWACK! Harpo's reply made Jen's belly bounce.
Jen joined in the game. Poke, poke...
I could almost hear the kid: "Dammit mother, leave me alone! I'm tryin' to sleep in here!"
Needless to say, I fell asleep happy.
I can TOTALLY picture the poke poke, thwack, thwack!
Thanks for the visual. I, too, shall sleep happy now...
Shelli, at 9:50 PM
Hee hee. What a funny picture.
Cait is already playing the role psychologists normally reserve for a "father" - playful teasing, roughish play, and encouraging risk taking. (poking the baby, and getting baby to poke Jen = could be risky.)
word verification of the day: pmelyaqg
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM
I remember getting so impatient with our sleepy fetus and poking at her and how thrilled I was when she kicked back. It made the whole pregnancy thing start seeming real. I mean, real in that there was actually a person-like thing in there capable of responding to stimuli and playing!
Trista, at 10:02 AM
Harpo is SO gonna be a rocket!
Calliope, at 10:03 AM
um I mean rockette...
But s/he can be a rocket too if s/he wants.
Calliope, at 10:04 AM
Funny image!
Now that my belly is giant and distended, Jill is much more into playing with it -- crouching in a basketball stance and grabbing both sides, poking, etc.
I'm not such a fan. Sure, it's the closest thing we have to a baby yet, and I get how much fun that is, but it is still MY BELLY. And I am NOT a fan of being poked! Smudge doesn't seem to mind, though.
I'm more for the "ok, just quietly rest your hand there and in the next 5-10 minutes, he'll kick or something and you'll feel it," school of interacting with him.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM
Parents have to learn early on how to irritate their kids properly, you know. It's good to see you perfecting your talents. =)
deanna, at 1:00 PM
I personally like it when you see the belly move like in that Alien movie.
Sleep well you three!
Sophia, at 1:48 PM
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