If you haven't had the pleasure of either the one- or three-hour glucose tolerance test, it basically consists of this: force yourself to swallow an orange syrup that tastes like a cold, melted lollipop (except it's more like 30 lollipops for the one-hour and 60 lollipops for the three-hour) and then surrender your veins to the vampires. Interspersed with A LOT of waiting, some nausea, lightheadedness and the shakes (if your body doesn't like all that sugar on an empty stomach). One blood draw for the one-hour; four for the three-hour. Which meant in my case 6 or 7 punctures. But it's done now, and all that's left is the waiting for the results. Have you noticed there's a lot of waiting in the whole getting, staying, and being pregnant (or otherwise acquiring a kid) process??
I hope the results of your test are good. And yes - I have noticed that there is a WHOLE lot of waiting involved in this process. At least you're closer to the end of the ultimate 9 month wait. :)
Sara, at 7:23 PM
eek! When do they tell you?
Shelli, at 11:03 PM
It's true -- there's a ton of waiting. And much icky bloodwork.
Good luck! I loathed the 1 hour test and was barely able to keep the nasty orange syrup-drink down. I don't know how you managed the 3 hour.
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM
I remember the 3-hour one. Blech! Glad you lived to tell the tale, and I'm crossing my fingers for you.
lagiulia, at 8:41 AM
hoping for good results!!!
Calliope, at 1:11 PM
I've now found the thing I'm least looking forward to about pregnancy. I got queasy just thinking about swallowing that much sugar. Ugh. I hope all that trouble yields a positive result. Actually, I hope it's NEGATIVE.
hd, at 1:30 PM
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