Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pick Me! Pick Meme!

Here's a meme with a twist: Nordette Adams, an editor at BlogHer, hopes to interview 100 parenting bloggers in the next year and profile them on BlogHer. Your participation in the meme is more or less an audition or application to be interviewed, and you also get to suggest three other bloggers for consideration. As memes go, it's pretty quick and it has the potential to bring you new readers!

1.) I'm Jen, one of two moms writing here at Addition Problems about the ups and downs of lesbian family creation and lesbian family life.
2.) I would like to be profiled on BlogHer as a family blogger because a) I always love new readers and b) (so much more importantly) I want to continue to increase the visibility of lesbian families as part of the Me and Mine 100.
3.) Addition Problems is my first blog, and I started it two and a half years ago while waiting for my partial molar pregnancy (otherwise known as The World's Longest Miscarriage TM) to resolve.
4.) Hmmm. Now we get to the trickiest part, tapping three other bloggers to share in the memey goodness. I'll go with Jody, Art, and Bri. (Please, if I didn't pick you, don't be offended - it was pretty random, except for Bri whom I chose because I want to further her in her campaign to be a big famous blogger!)


  • Thanks for the tag!

    I'll try to remember to play along -- I'm SO SLOW with the memes. Idiotic of me, really.

    By Blogger Jody, at 11:51 AM  


    By Blogger Briar, at 12:31 PM  

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