Friday, December 16, 2005

Groundblog Day

Something weird is going on with my links and it's VERY frustrating. And exceedingly odd. Let me see if I can describe this clearly and succinctly. I doubt it.

Up until now, all of the links have worked with no problem. As of this morning, the first seven links still behave fine.* However, beginning with link #8, The Other Mother, I get a bit of a twilight zone experience. That link, and every one subsequent to it except the VERY last one (Trixie Update) take me to the correct blogs... but only to the most recent post on or before December 11. It is as if time has stopped on December 11 for those blogs only. Yet I know there are more recent posts on several of the blogs. I read the more recent posts -- FROM MY LINKS -- yesterday or sometime between December 12-15. But now I can't get to them, no matter what I do.

Now here's where it gets REALLY weird. I have tried going directly from the address bar, typing in the blog address. Same deal. I have gone from OTHER PEOPLE'S LINKS. Still December 11 or earlier. AAAAAAAGH. I want my blogs. I need my blogs.

My current, incomplete hypothesis is that something in my links is somehow corrupting my browser's date function with regard to those specific blogs. If I go to somebody else's links (like Julie's big list) it's hit or miss. I'll see up to date posts on some of the blogs, others are stuck at that stupid Dec. 11. It does not seem to be host-dependent (meaning, both Typepad and Blogger blogs are affected, but some of both types are UNaffected). Dooce and Trixie Update, which use wicked fancy hosting/scripting, are unaffected.

I don't get it and I don't like it. Any suggestions will be welcomed!

*Except for one link to a blog that's no longer active, but that is as it should be.


  • Just wanted to say that I am having the same thing happen to me! You're one of the only blogs that I can see recent entries on. So, so weird . . .

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:13 PM  

  • I've been having this problem periodically with my OWN blog. I'd click on it and then several days posts wouldn't be showing up. I'd try it on our other computer with the same result. I'd go to blogger and the posts would show up in the dashboard, but not on the blog. Finally I added a new post, and that brought all the others back. I don't know what the deal was, but it's happened twice in the last week.

    By Blogger Amy, at 2:14 PM  

  • I thought Naked Ovary deleted her own blog entries AFTER December 9th.


    All I can say is - PRINT PRINT PRINT copies of your blogs for archive sake! I'm off to go do it now.

    There's a bug in them there blogsphere!

    By Blogger Shelli, at 2:20 PM  

  • Not sure if this is correct, but it seems like this happening to typepad blogs. I noticed the same thing & it has been driving me crazy. Glad to know that it's not just me!

    By Blogger b., at 2:30 PM  

  • It's both Typepad and Blogger - but not ALL of them. Bizzare.

    By Blogger Jen, at 3:00 PM  

  • Yeah, I was just about to post the typepad maintenance explanation but others beat me. I've been down all day. Can't even post to let people know what's going on. Fortunately it's my busiest day/weekend in months - installed an entirely new automation system in the library yesterday (!) and have the wedding I'm in tomorrow. So. Yeah. No blogging for me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:57 PM  

  • This is hilarious. All of us (myself included) had our noses out of joint because Six Apart had some kid of clusterf*ck and ate a bunch of blogs' entries and comments temporarily (I was inordinately relieved that this blog and several others I frequent on Blogger or were still up). I for one am devastated that I don't have my regulars' comments on my day today to cheer me up. What did we DO with ourselves before the Internet?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:03 PM  

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