Assorted Updates
One of the reasons I hesitated to become a Blopper (term credit: LOD) is that I knew many of my favorite bloggers would also be Blopping and that would mean not only would I have to increase my time spent writing but also my reading time. Although I am excited to have so many new posts to read, my Bloglines is frighteningly full today.
Another NaBloPoMo-related cause for whining is that the NBPM site is blocked by the filter at work so I can't access the group pages or comments or other fun stuff except from home. Oh, wait, am I supposed to be WORKING while I am here? ;)
And finally, our Internet connection at home, which was finally working a lot better due to sustained effort on the part of the cohousing tech whiz kids, crapped out again this morning. Of course.
On to Better Things
I am happy to report that we are still bread-baking fiends around our house and over the past year of baking we've really gotten to know the Laziest Recipe Ever quite well. I discovered yesterday that it will even tolerate being stashed in the refrigerator after the long rise if you don't have time to bake it. We started a loaf on Tuesday evening which would have required baking on Wednesday night (what the hell was I thinking?!?) and, well, that didn't happen. So it spent Halloween night in the fridge and we baked it last night. It came out beautifully and you never would have known that it was abused thusly. Another thing we have discovered is that it works best if the dough is pretty damn wet - I had taken the advice of some of the commenters on the original recipe and cut back on the water but that resulted in a flatter loaf. The best loaves we've had have been those that were visibly wet at the beginning of the first rise.
That Which Will Not Be Named
We're trying to keep ourselves from going berzerk with this month's attempted conception, and we're doing pretty well. We stopped temping after ovulation again, and that really does help preserve sanity. I don't seem to be having too many freakish pseudosymptoms yet, although the boobs are pretty sensitive and it does seem to be different than the preceeding two attempts. The "third time's a charm" mentality is very seductive but we are going to try and hold out on testing until at least 12 D.P.O. As Cait pointed out this morning, we've never made it past 10, so that would be quite an achievement!
you aren't kidding- I just logged on to bloglines & it is overwhelming! & I haven't posted on my own blog yet today.
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM
You mean you're planning to name the baby Voldemort? Why not, if you send the kid to public school, it certainly wouldn't be the oddest name in the class....
Summer, at 12:58 PM
My bloglines has gotten enormously scary, too. Usually that only happens because I'M not reading.
Remind us all of the dates tied to the 2ww? When would day 10 land, anyway?
I don't want important news to get lost in all those BLOP posts.
[Although it must be said, choosing a blog name that starts with A definitely helped your case. Very clever, that.]
Jody, at 1:10 PM
I agree that the A name blog is a +.
I am going to try the laziest recipe ever. Do you use whole wheat flour?
Targetgirl, at 4:19 PM
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