Saturday, November 03, 2007

You Know You Want Them

Ahh, discipline. NaBloPoMo is already benefitting me, as the post-per-day requirement has me in the mindset of posting and it's also giving me reason to clear out a backlog of posts I "owe" people. So here's the first. Early last week, Chicory posted a little giveaway meme and I was lucky enough to be one of the first responders (sucker than I am for free stuff!). The only requirement was that I pass on the bloggy love.

The first 5 commenters here will get a small gift in the mail from me. All you have to do is post this on your own blog and promise to gift the first 5 commenters on your post if they promise to gift the first 5 commenters on their posts… you see how it goes.

Longtime readers will be stunned to learn that I plan to send out AddProb cookies. Mmmm. You could opt for a loaf of the yummy bread instead if you prefer. Anyway, first five commenters get the goods. Baked goods, that is.


  • Okay, I'm commenting, but ONLY to say that I have four packages sitting on my counter waiting for me to mail them, and there is NO WAY that I could EVER take on this meme. People would be waiting until NEXT November for their gifts. So kudos to you.

    (And uh, yeah, you would be correct if you assumed that one of those packages was a set of thank-you illustrations from the Ingalls Wilder oeuvre.)

    By Blogger Jody, at 12:52 PM  

  • ooohh!! I want in!! thinking about getting mail and sending mail may help me stop spending 93% of my waking time wondering if my boobs are indeed sore and (if they are) whether this means anything-- I hope you are managing to hold back the TWW demons at your house!

    By Blogger sara, at 2:27 PM  

  • Only because you totally made us ADDICTED to your cookies...

    By Blogger Shelli, at 2:46 PM  

  • Gotta post because damn do I love me some baked goods!

    By Blogger Miss W, at 3:17 PM  

  • ok. its a difficult choice between cookies and bread.

    hmmm... going to post to my bloggy tonight (when i get home, as i dont like to do it from work)

    this is a cool meme!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:58 PM  

  • Dagnabbit!

    By Blogger Hope, at 8:29 PM  

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